AI’s Massive Impact on the Computer Industry

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Many fields and industries have recently incorporated AI and machine learning into their business. The world’s biggest companies rely on machine learning and deep learning algorithms to achieve and improve their autonomous vehicles and data analysis. AI and ML are the most advanced techniques and technologies by which the computer industry can satisfy its ever-growing needs.

Since these technologies will be in great demand in the future, the computer industry can benefit from implementing AI and ML.

The more these modern technologies advance, the more businesses experience significant changes in their workplace after implementing them.

In this post, we want to talk about AI applications in the AI industry. But first, let’s see what the computer industry means.

Meaning of The Computer Industry

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“Computer industry” refers to most organizations and companies that use computers or computer technology in their business. Historically, the computer industry was merely related to the first computer with its huge sizes yet a few discrete functions.

Today, the industry has grown significantly and includes not only the manufacturing and sales of computers but also designing and software development, broadband and wireless connectivity, computer and internet networking, and a wide array of information technology services.

Now that you know what the computer industry is let’s dive in and discuss the AI applications in the computer industry.

Self-Modifying Coding

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Self-modifying code (SMC) is code that changes its instructions as it runs. It often reduces the instruction path length, improves performance, or simplifies maintenance by reducing repetitive code.

Computer industry companies can use artificial intelligence to develop self-modifying groups of codes in their programming languages. These companies can get closer to their goal by continuously trying new combinations. Doing so allows them to ideally create intelligent programs, develop updates, or fix the errors over time.


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Artificial intelligence and robotics are related but entirely different fields. In robotics, robots perform tasks automatically, while in artificial intelligence, systems mimic the human mind to make decisions and learn.

Yes, robots can function without AI using programming. But sometimes, providing such instructions and programs for making decisions and valuing judgments is impossible, especially in multi-faceted industries like the computer industry.

This is when AI can come into the picture and enable robots to make informed decisions and gradually enhance their decision-making process using machine learning.

Speech and Language Processing

<a href=’’>Robot chatbot vector created by vectorjuice –</a>

As technology advances, it’s becoming more prevalent for us to see computers being able to take orders from and give instructions to us. Nowadays, computers can literally understand what we say and respond accordingly. How do they do that?

Most computers identify and process a set of instructions to do this. However, this conversation would feel raw and unnatural without artificial intelligence. AI and ML are essential for humanizing robots and computers.

Data Mining

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The purpose of data mining in artificial intelligence and machine learning is to extract implicit, previously unknown, and potentially useful information from data. Using statistical methods, it is possible to identify trends and other relationships in large databases.

Various industries must detect specific patterns and anomalies by analyzing large volumes of data. The computer industry is no exception. Artificial intelligence can facilitate the process for computer industry companies. AI allows them to make their operations more efficient and facilitate decision-making by generating unexpected responses.

Visualizations and Visual Data

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By translating data into a visual context, like a map or graph, data visualization makes it easier for humans to understand and extract insights from it. Visualizing data helps you spot patterns, trends, and outliers in big data sets.

After getting certain variables, current computer programs can make various visualizations. However, artificial intelligence can significantly improve this process.

AI uses intelligent programs to guide users through visual analytics. It can also interpret and organize data by making suggestions.

Image Recognition

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Currently, we see a lot of computers that can quickly recognize voice commands. But how can the computer industry decode and remember images? This feature is equally attractive for organizations and has numerous applications, including security and graphic design.

Using AI, tech giants like Google and Amazon can use large databases of tagged images in their business. These companies use these volumes of graphic data to identify various objects in front of them (even objects they have never seen before).

Cloud Computing

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Using cloud computing, people can access their data anywhere they want without needing traditional physical storage and being limited to one place. Artificial intelligence can enable businesses to make this process more systematic and organized in the future. Cloud computing allows users to get intelligent responses while storing and accessing their files and data from a cloud-based network.

Case Study: How HP uses AI to enhance Customer service

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Let’s end our discussion with an example explaining how HP uses AI to provide better customer service.

HP Inc. is one of the biggest companies in the world, specializing in producing printers and PCs. The company’s customer service includes managing more than 600 million clients annually. HP knows customer service is vital for driving loyalty because each contact is an excellent opportunity for the company to impact customers’ experience with the brand. Like all successful companies, HP knows that ensuring a good customer experience is necessary for them to survive and thrive.

Since HP offers a wide range of products, offering an excellent customer experience can be tricky. Therefore, the company decided to use AI to offer better services for its customers and enhance the effectiveness of its support agents while navigating 50,000 pages of HP product information.

How? HP asked Microsoft to deploy a virtual agent in the company. Microsoft installed the virtual agent on every HP computer, enabling all customers to enjoy this new AI support solution.


Artificial intelligence has accelerated its application in many industries, including the IT sector. Businesses and users get more innovative and efficient solutions when these two domains are integrated.

As mentioned above, machine learning and artificial intelligence have proven effective in these cases. By developing these technologies further, businesses can increase productivity and streamline processes.

If you are interested in learning more about AI and its applications in the Computer Industry or would like to contribute to this field, visit THIS LINK to explore further information and get involved.




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